Setup Exchange e-mail on phone:
1) Verify the user has signed the mobile device policy contract and they are not currently using their phone to contact the help desk.
2) Add an exchange account:
- Settings -> Accounts and Passwords -> Add Accounts -> Exchange
3) Enter the users e-mail address, and for description have them type what they would like(i.e. My Sequel Account).
4) Have the user select the "Configure Manually" option.
5) Verify the E-mail is correctly spelled, server is blank, domain is blank.
6) Type the Username for the account, then hit Next.
- The phone will now attempt to connect, any issues will be found on this step. If the user is still having issues, have them restart the entire process from step 2.
7) Choose what items to sync, then click Save in the upper right hand corner.
8) Verify receives e-mails from the inbox.
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